
About Us

When it began

Founded in 2018, NFormed Coaching has served countless clients through Nick Leacock primarily, and his wonderful wife Nicole secondarily. 

Coach Nick

My name is Nick Leacock. I’m 30 years old and I’ve been a personal trainer for the last 7 years. I started my own business, LeacockFitness, in 2018 which was eventually changed to NFormed Coaching.

My passion for fitness came at a young age. I played sports in and out of school, and occasionally lifted weights with my dad. Always having a gym in the house led me to start lifting early in my youth. Which is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 

I never knew what to pursue after high school. Attending college for me was simply about finding my path. I quickly realized my passion for fitness was my direction for happiness and success. I constantly found myself helping friends reach their goals, which became a viable career path. 

I haven’t looked back since!

More about Nick

Starting a business is difficult, no matter the industry. Getting my first few clients wasn't easy, but once I was able to showcase my abilities, I've been able to change countless lives. I've now been in business for almost 6 years and couldn't be happier. They say if you can have a career doing something you love, you'll never work a day in your life. I can absolutely attest to this!

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Coach Nicole

My name is Nicole Guiho (Leacock). I’m 33 years old and I have been training in the gym setting for over 13 years. I have always been an active person; I played on several school sports teams, always joined in on track and field and participated in additional activities growing up like dance and ringette. It wasn’t until I turned 20 where I found a strong passion for weight lifting and bodybuilding. I fell in love with making fun and challenging programs for myself to follow and thrived off of the discipline. 

When I was 22, I started my first prep for a bodybuilding competition. It was and always will be one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of my life. I competed in figure for 5 years in regional, provincial and national levels. Throughout that time I learned what it truly took to be an athlete. It allowed me to grow so much not only physically, but mentally as well. 

I have had the privilege to work with well known, exceptional athletes in the bodybuilding industry. From them I have learned a wide variety of lifting styles, techniques and programming to suit different needs & goals. Being a very nutrition focused person, I’ve spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of proper diet and what the body truly needs to be successful in reaching these goals.

My passion for health and fitness continues to grow every year. I truly love being able to help anyone and everyone learn something new and useful that will help them reach their goals and better their health as well. Seeing someone glow up when they see results from their efforts and being able to provide support brings me so much happiness. 

Being able to be a part of NFormed Coaching with my (now) husband is a dream and I am so excited to see what the future holds! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives!

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